In listfile, place each file path on a separate line. Specifies a file ( listfile) that contains a list of files to be archived and can be used instead of the filenames option. If you use -w without specifying the wait time or if you specify a value of 0, NetBackup waits indefinitely for the completion status. The archive, however, still completes on the server.
If the wait time expires before the archive is complete, the command exits with a timeout status. The maximum wait time you can specify is 23:59:59. You can optionally specify a wait time in hours, minutes, and seconds. See the "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.

The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats. The /usr/openv/msg/.conf file (UNIX) and the install_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. This message is sent when the archive process is complete.Ĭauses NetBackup to wait for a completion status from the server before it returns you to the system prompt. It is entered as follows: non-administrator users specify it on the $HOME/bp.conf file administrators specify it in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file. NetBackup sends mail on the archive completion status to mail_address if USEMAIL = mail_address. On UNIX systems, the directory is /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bparchive/ On Windows systems, is \NetBackup\logs\bparchive\ If you create a directory with write access, bparchive creates a debug log file in this directory to use for troubleshooting. If bparchive cannot archive any of the requested files or directories, use the progress log to determine the reason for the failure. Create the file before you run the bparchive command and specify it with the -L progress_log option. Use the -w option to change bparchive to work in the foreground and to return completion status after a specified time period.īparchive writes informative and error messages to a progress-log file if the file is created. The command works in the background and does not return completion status directly to you. If the list of files includes a directory, it archives all files and subdirectories of that directory and starts at the directory itself.īy default, you return to the system prompt after bparchive is successfully submitted. Any file path that is entered can be a file name or a directory name. Bparchive processes the files that are listed on the command line or in the file that is specified by the -f listfile option.